Top view of a blender full of strawberry banana smoothie made with Truvia sweet complete

Ditch the resolutions.
Ring in the revolution.

Sweeten Without Compromise

Closeup of Truvia sweet complete bag next to baking supplies and a mixer

Sweet Complete™
All-Purpose Sweetener

The Sweetness Revolution is here. Truvia Sweet Complete sweetens with zero calories per serving. Perfect for muffins, coffees or anywhere you use sugar.
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woman sifting and shaking Truvia confectioners sweetener on a bundt cake


Truvia Confectioners Sweetener sweetens like confectioners sugar in recipes, with zero calories per serving. Use it where you use powdered sugar.
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Keep Life Sweet

There are so many ways to enjoy your favorite eats and treats with less sugar and more Truvia Sweet Complete! Here are a few sweet tips to get started.

Closeup of freshly baked blueberry muffins sitting on a cooling rack


It’s the time of year to start anew. Try your hand at some new recipes with all the sweetness and less sugar.
closeup of hand stirring a latte and a muffin on a plate in the background


Shake up your morning routine this year. Stir in some sweetness to your lattes, teas and smoothies to get your day started.
closeup of knife spreading creamy frosting on a two-layered cake


Have your cake and eat it too! With Truvia Confectioners Sweetener, every celebration is as sweet as can be.

The Sweet Complete Bakeover

Give classic recipes a bakeover with Truvia Sweet Complete. Our version of this keto-friendly Berry Cobbler is made with less sugar and through the roof on flavor.

Berry cobbler sitting next to a bag of traditional sugar

Recipe Before

Made with Sugar

220 calories

15 grams of sugar

Berry cobbler sitting next to a bag of Truvia sweet complete

Recipe After

Made with Truvia Sweet Complete

190 calories

6 grams of sugar

wood texture with a Truvia sweetener packet and a hand slightly in view

Truvia® Sweet Somethings

Sweet Somethings is your source for the latest Truvia news, recipes, coupons and promotions.

Anytime Sweetness

Sweeter Happy Hour

Rock this delicious Mocktail for a happy hour at any hour! Made with calorie-free Truvia Original Sweetener.

On-the-go Sweetness

With the sweet Original or tasty Vanilla Flavor, Truvia Organic Liquids are perfect when you’re on the move—even if you’re not going very far.

Let’s Get Blending!